11 Juli 2011


11 Juli 2009

From This Moment On
(I do swear that I'll always be there. I'd give anything

and everything and I will always care. Through weakness

and strength, happiness and sorrow, for better, for worse,

I will love you with every beat of my heart.)

From this moment life has begun

From this moment you are the one

Right beside you is where I belong

From this moment on

From this moment I have been blessed

I live only for your happiness

And for your love I'd give my last breath

From this moment on

I give my hand to you with all my heart

Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start

You and I will never be apart

My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I Iive

I will love you, I promise you this

There is nothing I wouldn't give

From this moment on

You're the reason I believe in love

And you're the answer to my prayers from up above

All we need is just the two of us

My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live

I will love you, I promise you this

There is nothing I wouldn't give

From this moment

I will love you as long as I live

From this moment on

Lagu ini mengiringi hari dimana kami mengucap janji setia di hadapan Tuhan dan beberapa orang yang hadir di Gereja saat itu…11 Juli 2009

Jadi inget waktu masing masing dari kita mengucapkan janji ini :
                      Di hadapan imam, para saksi dan hadirin sekalian,
saya Johanes Joni Kriswanto
menyatakan dengan tulus ikhlas
mulai saat ini memilih dan mengangkat engkau
Christina Setya Ririn Mahayati
menjadi isteri saya.
 Saya berjanji setia kepadamu dalam untung dan malang,
 dalam suka dan duka, serta dalam keadaan sehat maupun sakit.
Saya mau mencintai dan menghormatimu seumur hidup.
Demikianlah janji saya demi Allah dan Injil Suci ini. 
Ririn :
                   Di hadapan imam, para saksi dan hadirin sekalian,
 saya Christina Setya Ririn Mahayati
menyatakan dengan tulus ikhlas
 mulai saat ini memilih dan mengangkat engkau
Johanes Joni Kriswanto
menjadi suami saya.
Saya berjanji setia kepadamu dalam untung dan malang,
dalam suka dan duka, serta dalam keadaan sehat maupun sakit.
Saya mau mencintai dan menghormatimu seumur hidup.
Demikianlah janji saya demi Allah dan Injil Suci ini

Dan ini syair buat Bap ya...semoga cinta dan kasih kita selalu bersemi...(hehe sok romantis ya?) thanx for ur love..I love U Bap...

Because Of You

 If ever you wondered if you touched my soul, yes you do
Since I met you I'm not the same
You bring life to everything I do
 Just the way you say hello
With one touch I can't let go
Never thought I'd fall in love with you
Because of you. My life has changed
Thank you for the love and the joy you bring
Because of you I feel no shame
I'll tell the world it's because of you
Sometimes I get lonely and all I gotta do is think of you
You captured something inside of me
You make all of my dreams come true
It's not enough that you love me for me
You reached inside and touched me internally
I love you best explains how I feel for you
The magic in your eyes, true love I can't deny
When you hold me I just lose control
I want you to know that I'm never letting go
You mean so much to me, I want the world to see it's because of you

11-07-11   (11 Juli 2011) 
 Komposisi tanggalnya bagus ya Bap??

Happy  2nd  Anniversary Bap…

Semoga di tahun kedua pernikahan kita dan seterusnya , keluarga kita selalu mendapatkan berkat dankasih-Nya selalu berkarya dalam keluarga kita, agar keluarga kita selalu menjadi bagian dari keluarga kudus-Nya…dan kita bisa semakin dewasa dan sabar mendampingi anak2 kita...
Dan semoga Tuhan menghadirkan lagi anak - anak yang pintar yang nantinya akan meneruskan keluargakita..Amin

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